Stephanie Trotta at home in gray foyer // gray wallpaper // window seat

t h e s u n d a y s e c t i o n

w h o

Camille Styles - How to identify your side hustle? READ

Happily Eva After - Five big reasons this NYC born and raised beauty appreciates the suburbs READ

Studio McGee - Summer home inspiration from one of my favorite design teams. If you’re not familiar with their work or their shop, get ready to add to your wishlist! READ

w o r e

This was a short week and I kept my wardrobe on the more casual side during the day mostly wearing shorts and denim. One Thursday I had a luncheon and wore this dress and also wore dresses on Friday and Saturday for events.

w h a t

podcast - I thought this podcast was fascinating. In it, Elise Loehnen from goop interviews Aposotols Lekkos M.D., a doctor trained in emergency medicine with a Santa Monica based practice specializing in functional medicine. Dr Lekkos looks at the whole patient, including a deep dive into family history, and how one deals with stress. He creates restorative treatment plans focused more on supplements and non traditional remedies such as acupuncture and less on “medicine”. He offers some great tips and makes shocking correlations between diet and disease.

song - This song has been playing on repeat in our house this week. If you follow me on Instagram you may have witnessed my not so well executed lip-synch performance on stories:)

recipe - My favorite condiment for burgers - mix soy free veganaise + siracha + S & P - I made this shrimp burger on Thursday night and it was delicious! Frank is allergic to shellfish so I swapped the shrimp for salmon and used GF buns. Can’t find wakame (seaweed salad) at your local grocery store? Try the fish market!

trend - My best friend Virginia has been telling me about enneagrams for a couple of years now. Finding your “number” (there are nine) can be an essential step towards understanding yourself, achieving success at work, and creating balance and harmony at home. This article breaks down the enneagram basics and what it means for you.

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We’re heading to Nantucket on a family vacation at the end of the month and I’m so excited! Last year was our first time on the island and it was love at first breath. I say breathe because the island is not only beautiful but it smells incredible too. We were only there for 3 days but it felt like a week. Here is a weekend recap and photos from that trip. This year we’ll be staying in a different rental which is also walking distance or a short bicycle ride to town. Everyone has something on their list: a trip to Cisco Brewery, strawberry picking at Bartlett Farm, and many trips to Lemon Press. Heading to the island? Check out my friend Mackenzie’s super local guide.

s h o p t h e p o s t

Posted on June 2, 2019 .