Hey friends! I hope your weekend was as lovely as mine! It finally stopped raining and we took advantage of every minute of sunshine! I shot the pics for this post with Luke, the baby, and my hubby Frank just a few feet away. Luke was yelling for me pretty much the whole time wondering why mommy was in the middle of the street. Its definitely a little crazy these days being a mom of two and working on the blog but at the end of the day all the chaos is worth it because I get so much out of both jobs. 

I love the earrings in this outfit and the price is so amazing at under $60!!!). I don't really wear a ton of jewelry but if I do, its almost always a fun pair of earrings. The trend has blown up this year and I love that there are so many fabulous options at every price point. Shop the post and check out all my top picks below:)


Posted on June 12, 2017 and filed under Outfits.