one // two // three // four // five // six // seven // eight // nine // ten // eleven // twelve //  thirteen // fourteen

A perfectly organized handbag is something I've only ever dreamed of! I loved creating this post and I'm hoping that it will motivate me to re-evaluate my current state of affairs...

One thing I always travel with is a notebook. You never know when you'll need to jot something down - something for my son, a decorating tip, new blog post idea - and I prefer writing it down rather than typing it into the notes section in my phone (a black hole). 

The beauty items in this post are essentials for me. This cream is a lifesaver all year round but especially in the winter. I also love this one which is all natural but in a glass bottle so I usually don't carry it in my purse. These towelettes can be found in all my handbags, diaper bag, and in our car. They cleanse naturally and smell amazing! The best after a workout or long flight. 



Posted on December 19, 2016 and filed under What to Wear.